HLTB21H3 Chapter : textbook studiyguide
Document Summary
Tuberculosis has been thought to produce spells of euphoria, increased appetite and exacerbated sexual desire. When epidemic tb reached western europe, people with tb were considered beautiful and erotic. Tb was romanticized without knowing that it was actually an chronic infectious disease. Tuberculosis includes: coughing making eating and breathing very difficult, weight loss that prevented walking, and severe pain. Tuberculosis of the lungs (pulmonary tb) is the most common form of disease. In the u. s. , the lung is the primary site of infection. When the lungs are the primary site, tb can run an acute course causing extensive destruction in a few months so called galloping consumption. Tb can be mistaken with chronic bronchitis with the spitting up of blood tb can affect organs such as the intestine and larynx, and the lymph nodes in the neck producing a swelling called scrofula. Tuberculosis can also produce the fusion of the vertebrae and deformation of the spine, called pott"s disease.