MGHB02H3 Chapter : LEC 10 and 11.docx

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10 Sep 2013

Document Summary

Decision making is the process of developing a commitment to some course of action. It involves making a choice among several action alternatives. A problem exists when a gap is perceived b/w some existing state and some desired state. Existing state is clear, the desired state is clear, and how to get from one state to another is fairly obvious. Repetitive and familiar, they can also be programmed. A program is a standardized way of solving a problem. Also known as rules, standard operating procedures, or rules of thumb. Provide a useful means of solving well-structured problems. Programs are only as good as the decision-making process that led to the adoption of the program in the first place. Existing and desired states are unclear and method of getting to the desired state is unknown. Unique and unusual problems that have not been encountered before. Tend to be complex and involve a high degree of uncertainty.

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