MGTA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Production Schedule, Master Production Schedule, Critical Path Method

MGTA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Service operations - production activities that yield tangible and intangible service products. Goods production - production activities that yield tangible products. Operations (production) management - the systematic direction and control of the processes that transform resources into finished goods. Production managers - managers responsible for ensuring that operations processes create value and provide benefits. A set of methods and technologies used in the production of a good or a service. All goods manufacturing processes can be classified in 2 ways: Types of transformation technology - transforms raw materials into finished goods. Chemical processes - chemically altered (aluminum, steel, fertilizer) Fabrication processes - mechanically alter the basic shape or form (metal forming, wood working) Assembly processes - put together various components (common in electronics, automotive) Transport processes - goods acquire place utility by being moved from one location to another. Clerical processes - transform information (combining employee absences, and breakdowns into report)