MGTA02H3 Chapter 1: chapter 1 notes
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MGTA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Chapter 1 producing goods and services notes service operations production activities that yield tangible and intangible service products goods production production activities that yield tangible products. N today customers are increasingly involved in all kinds of production because electronic communications are key components in winning and keeping customers in a huge range of competitive industries. N many countries have joined global competition that has reshaped production into faster-paced, more complex business activity. N with internet, producers of services and goods are integrating production activities with those of far-off suppliers and customers. N all goods-manufacturing process can be classified in 2 different ways: by type of transformation technology that transforms raw materials into finished goods and by analytic or synthetic nature of transformation process. N depending on site of its facility, company may be capable of producing low-cost product or may find itself at extreme cost disadvantage relative to its competitors.