MGTA02H3 Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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16 Feb 2011
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MGTA02H3 Full Course Notes
MGTA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

I nformation managers the manager responsible for the activities needed to generate, analyze, and disseminate information that a company needs to make good decisions. I nformation management an internal operation that arranges the firm"s information resources to support business performance and outcomes. I nformation a meaningful, useful interpretation of data. I nformation system (is) an organized method of transforming data into information that can be used for decision making. Electronic information technologies (e it) information system applications based on telecommunications technologies: providing coordination and communication within the firm, speeding up transactions with other firms. Fax machine (facsimile machines) a machine that can quickly transmit a copy of documents or graphics over telephone lines. Voice mail a computer based system for receiving and delivering incoming telephone calls. Electronic mail (email) systems electronic transmission of letters, reports, and other information between computers. Electronic conferencing allows people to communicate simultaneously from different locations via telephone, video, or email group software.