MGTA36H3 Chapter 14: Speaking Your Way To The Top - Chapter 14

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29 Dec 2010

Document Summary

Chapter 14: getting your audience involved: the audience prefer not to sit and be lectured to and they want to be involved, what a presenter can do to involve their audience: S these can be real or rhetorical and its ok for you to answer them yourself. Get the audience to react or respond. S easiest way to do this is to ask a question and request a show of hands. S when listeners hear a well-told story, they may relate it to something in their lives. S method can work even with large audiences and it makes the audience feel more a part of your presentation than if it is just sitting and listening. Have the audience participate in your presentation. S can involve audience members by having them play games that make your point, do puzzles, play roles, or even demonstrate handshakes.