MGTA36H3 Chapter : Speaking Your Way to the Top Ch 4

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4 Feb 2012

Document Summary

4 informative presentation: keep the info fresh diff. Pov or facts on familiar topic: well-organized clear progression, repeat key words, attractive/interactive, keep it interesting interactive, use stories, humour, etc (not just data dump, motivate audience benefit to audience visuals give handouts. Learning styles: repeat, simple separate sections, don"t add unnecessary info, big picture concepts. Order: chronological order of occurrence, spatial combined with visuals, geographical before and after maps of geographical regions (showing areas & size, topic big topic small topics, comparison and contrast , cause and effect. 10 commandments of informative presentations: less is more how much audience retains, not how much info given out. 2: assume they don"t understand give extra examples rather than leave them. It"s a jungle to the audience confused: relate back to what they know similarities & differences, use visuals and simplify, minimal lingo and jargon. 7: demonstrate, do the unexpected don"t go with normal presentation, sell benefit to audience!!

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