PHLA10H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 22: A Posteriori, Vitalism, Materialism

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4 Apr 2016

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The idenity theory argues for its soluion to the mind/body problem by describing the progress that science has made so far and by predicing the progress that science will make in the future. The relaionship of the mind and the body, is something that science discovers by observaion and experiment. This is the view that every object is a material object. No diference without a physical diferent e. g. a jazz lover and a jazz hater might be molecule-for-molecule idenical, but psychologically disinct. Each mental characterisic is idenical with some physical characterisic. The idenity theory predicts that science will fully vindicate the thesis that and individual"s mind and brain are one and the same enity. Lighing was once profoundly perplexing unil in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, scienists studying electricity discharge. Lighing is one and the same thing as a kind of electrical discharge. This isn"t a priori truth, knowable by linguisic analysis.

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