PSYA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: Fluid And Crystallized Intelligence, Standard Score, Flynn Effect
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Intelligence-ability to think, understand, reason & cognitively adapt to/overcome obstacles- >intelligence reflects not just how much is known but how person recognizes/solves problems. Achievement & aptitude-testing mental ability comes in various forms to serve many purposes, achievement tests-measure knowledge & thinking skills that an individual has acquired- Sat"s claim to measure test taker potential as student, armed services measure aptitude for military, *achievement tests measure current abilities & aptitude tests predict future performance. Psychometrics-measurement of psychological traits & abilities, including personality, attitudes. & intelligence, items on tests/surveys are careful constructed & evaluated for relevance to psychological trait supposedly measured. >*recall validity-degree to which test actually measures trait ability it"s intended to measured. "s/problems administered & scored uniformly across large #"s of ppl. , allows for comparisons across individuals, *important testing component. Intelligence test scores can be compared b/c of norms-stats that allow ppl. to be evaluated relative to typical or standard score, most intelligence tests, norm (avg. score) is 100.