PSYA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 15&16: Stanford Prison Experiment, Fundamental Attribution Error, Dispositional Attribution
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Social psychology-broad field of study that includes how ppl perceive & think about others, as well as how presence of other ppl can influence individuals" behaviour. Regardless of culture, humans are sensitive to whether behaviour is socially acceptable/unacceptable. Social norms-guidelines for how to behave in social contexts (usu. unwritten)->ex. manner used in polite company to topics suitable for convos. >some norms exist at societal level, other norms operate at level of smaller groups (ex. college have few norms specific to campus: how to dress for class, address faculty etc ) Social roles-specific sets of behaviours associated with a position within a group. >while norms are general rules that apply to group members, roles are guidelines that apply to specific positions within group; roles are specific, includes labels. Stanford prison study: reveals how normal ppl. can take on virtually any role.