PSYB01H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Cluster Sampling, Sample Size Determination, Confidence Interval
Document Summary
Survey: methodology of asking people to tell us about themselves. Can study relationship among variables, and how attitudes/behaviors change over time. California and wiscosin: increase negative effect, which associate with linger work hours in high school. Have assumption of people are able to provide truthful and accurate answer in use of questionnaires . Response set: tendency to respond to all question from particular perspective . Rather than provide answers that directly related to questions . E. g. social desiratiblity: or known as faking good , individual answers in more socially acceptable way . Jourard: suggest people are more likely to lie when they don"t trust the researcher . First researchers must determine research objectives explicitly . Require researchers to decide on type of question to ask . Survey question about: attitudes, beliefs, behaviour , fact and demographics etc. Attitudes and beliefs : focus on ways of people evaluate and think about issues .