PSYB01H3 Chapter 12: Chapter-12

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Apa format: the american psychological association (apa) format provides us with a blueprint (cid:173) title, abstract, introduction, method. The goal is to eliminate sexism and ethnic bias in writing (cid:173) In describing people, a general rule is to refer to people in terms as they prefer. In research reports of studies of persons with disabilities, be very mindful of the stigmatizing effects of diagnostic labels (cid:173) ex. Instead, write we compared people with the disorder and without the disorder. : people in a research study are referred to as participants. For references that you have not read yourself, use a secondary citation for the work (cid:173) ex. Report organization in apa format bottom, do not right justify: all pages are numbered consecutively beginning with the title page. Page numbers are placed in the top margin 1 inch from the right side of the paper. The number appears by itself with no punctuation.

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