PSYB30H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Personality Psychology, Trait Theory, In Step

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8 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Personality psychology: scientific study of the whole person. In personality psychology, we try to understand the individual human being as a complex whole. Ultimate goal of personality psychology is to construct a scientifically credible account of psychological individuality. Such an account must situate a person in a biological and cultural context while specifying how that person is similar to and different from other person. Personality psychologists often study individual differences in people they develop ways to classify, categorize, and organize the diversity of psychological individuality, and they look for the biological and environmental forces and factors that explain those differences. Example of amanda invited people to her party she acts sullen and tense at the beginning of the party, then became much more comfortable, kind and considerate toward everybody later throughout that evening. She talks to you about your past, your music preferences, and other things and then tells you about herself.

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