PSYB30H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: Sigmund Freud, Unconscious Mind, Victorian Morality

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10 Mar 2020

Document Summary

Freud lived most of his life in: vienna; but he was born in frieberg, moravia. Before psychoanaylsis, freud did research in the field of neurology. Started a private practice treating patients with nervous disorders . Began developing the idea that portion of the human minds were outside conscious awareness. Unconscious: the part of the mind about which the conscious mind has no awareness. He devoted his career to exploring the nature and logic of unconscious mind: the interpretation of dream sigmund freud (1900) He described how unconscious mind was expressed in dreams and how dreams contained clues to our inner most secrets, desires, and motives. The anaylsis of dreams became a cornerstone of his treatment. Freud"s theory: adult personality was a result of how the person as a child coped with his/her sexual and aggressive urges. At first seen as politically incorrect by standards of victorian morality. The freudian idea: the talking cure is basic to most psychotherapies.

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