PSYB32H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: Amenorrhoea, Dysfunctional Family, Laxative
Document Summary
Clinical description: anorexia and bulimia share that there is an intense fear of being overweight. Patient exhibit more personality disorders, impulsive behaviour, stealing, alcohol and drug abuse, social withdrawal and suicide. Binge eating disorder: diagnosis that needs further study. Genetics: both anorexia and bulimia run in families, first degree relatives are 4x more likely. Cross cultural studies: more common in industrialized societies (us, canada, japan, australia. Psychodynamic views: core cause lies in disturbed parent child relationships and certain core personality traits (low self esteem and perfectionism) are found among individuals with eating disorders. Page 1: parents of patients reported high levels of isolation and lower levels of mutual involvement and support. Bulimia nervosa: overconcerned wtih weight gain and body appearance. Treatment of eating disorders: they usually deny that they have a problem so 90% of them are not in treatment, many anorexics are hospitalized and sometimes life threatening. To change the patient role of the patient with anorexia.