PSYB32H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Rorschach Test, Thematic Apperception Test, Clinical Formulation
Document Summary
The actual practice of clinical assessment can be a subjective process that is guided by the insights and decisions made by clinical assessors. Therapeutic assessment: is treated as a separate enterprise that leads to diagnosis and tx; it can provide new insights, a sense of relief, a more mindful approach to cope with life challenges. Reliability & validity in assessment: reliability: refers to consistency of measurement, test-retest reliability: measures the extent to which people being observed twice/taking the test twice score in generally the same way, ex. Iq score: alternate-form reliability: the extent to which scores on the two forms of the test are consistent, internal consistency reliability: accesses whether the items on a test are related to one another. In each of these types of reliability, a correlation a measure of how closely two variables are related is calculated between raters or sets of items.