PSYB32H3 Chapter 1: Study Guide of Chapter 1 for PSYB32

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19 Jul 2010
Chapter 1
What is Abnormal Behavior?
Psychopathology- the field concerned with the nature and development of abnormal
behavior, thoughts, and feelings.
- is a study for the search for why people behave, think, and feel in
unexpected, sometimes bizarre, and typically self-defeating ways.
Abnormal Behavior- includes characteristics such as
Statistical infrequency- an assertion that a person is normal implies that he
or she does not deviate much from the average in a
particular trait or behavior pattern. Someone who
does deviate from the average is considered
Violation of norms- someone who that threatens or makes anxious those
observing it. What is the norm in one culture might
be considered abnormal in another culture.
Personal distress-behavior is abnormal if it creates create distress or
torment in the person experiencing it.
Disability of Dysfunction- Disability that is impairment in some important
area of life because of an abnormality
Unexpectedness- Distress and disability are considered abnormal when
they are unexpected responses to environmental stressors.
Diagnosis- the skills necessary to determine that a patient’s symptoms or problems
indicate a particular disorder.
Psychotherapy-a verbal means for helping trouble individuals change their thoughts,
feelings, and behaviour to reduce distress and to achieve greater life satisfaction.
-many early philosophers, theologians, and physicians who studied the troubled mind
believed that deviancy reflected the displeasure of the gods or possession by demons
Demonology- the doctrine that an evil being, such as the devil, may dwell within a person
and control his or her mind and body.
Exorcism-the casting out of evil spirits by ritualistic chanting or torture
Trepanning of Skulls- the marking of a surgical opening ina living skull by some
- it was presumed that the individual would return to a normal state
by creating an opening through which evil spirits could escape.
Somatorgenesis- the notion that something is wrong with the soma, or physical body,
disturbs thought and action
- This was viewed by the Hippocrates.
Psychogenesis- in contrast, is the belief that a disturbance has psychological origins.
-witch craft arises during the thirteenth century when Europeans became obsessed with
the devil, however witchcraft was not viewed as instigated by Satan.
-witchcraft as seen as a heresy and a denial of God.
-Beginning of 13th century, “lunacy” trials to determine a person’s sanity were held in
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Document Summary

What is abnormal behavior? torment in the person experiencing it. Personal distress-behavior is abnormal if it creates create distress or. Disability of dysfunction- disability that is impairment in some important. Unexpectedness- distress and disability are considered abnormal when they are unexpected responses to environmental stressors. area of life because of an abnormality observing it. What is the norm in one culture might be considered abnormal in another culture. behavior, thoughts, and feelings. Is a study for the search for why people behave, think, and feel in. Statistical infrequency- an assertion that a person is normal implies that he or she does not deviate much from the average in a particular trait or behavior pattern. Someone who does deviate from the average is considered abnormal. Violation of norms- someone who that threatens or makes anxious those. Psychopathology- the field concerned with the nature and development of abnormal unexpected, sometimes bizarre, and typically self-defeating ways.

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