PSYB32H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Antipsychotic, Josef Breuer, Dementia Praecox
Document Summary
Psychopathology the field concerned with the nature and development of abnormal behaviour, thoughts and feelings. Best definition includes statistical infrequency, violation of norms, personal distress, disability or dysfunction and unexpectedness: statistical infrequency: Abnormal behaviour is infrequent in the general population. Normal curve/bell curve places the majority of people in the middle: a normal person does not deviate from the curve. Iq below 70 is subnormal to be designated as mental retardation: violation of norms: Whether the behaviour violates social norms or threatens/makes anxious those observing it: personal distress: Personal suffering behaviour is abnormal if it causes great distress and torment in the person experiencing it. Psychopath feels pleasure through their abnormal behaviour (violation: disability or dysfunction: Disability impairment in some important area of life (ex. Transvestites are a violation to this rule : unexpectedness: Distress/disability are considered abnormal when they are unexpected to environmental stressors. None of these definitions on their own describe abnormal behaviour.