PSYB32H3 Chapter 5: chapter 5
Document Summary
Chapter 5 research methods in the study of abnormal behaviour. It is important scientific methods be reliable (replicable) and testable (open to systemic probe) A set of prepositions meant to explain a class of phenomena. Expectations of what should occur if the theory is true. Scientists must often use theoretical concepts (unobservable states or processes that are inferred by observable data) to come up with a theory. Operationism, an earlier school of thought, suggested that each theoretical concept take as tis meaning, only observable and measurable operation (i. e. the concept of anxiety could be thought as schoring over. The problem with that was each concept was too specific, and it lost its generality. A concept did not include events, only one specific one www. notesolution. com. The most familiar and time-honoured method; therapists gather historical and biographical information on a single individual (i. e. background, family/medical history, educational background, jobs held, marital history, life course etc. )