PSYB45H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Verbal Behavior, Richard Herrnstein, Soldering Iron
Document Summary
Chapter 8: developing behavioural persistence with schedules of reinforcement. Intermittent reinforcement arrangement in which behaviour is positively reinforced only occasionally rather than every time it occurs. Response rate number of instances of behaviour that occur in given time; aka response frequency. Schedule of reinforcement rule specifying which occurrences of given behaviour will be reinforced: continuous reinforcement (crf) each instance of particular response is reinforced. Simplest: intermittent reinforcement not reinforced continuously- many in natural environment (ex. don"t always, get good grade after studying, work for a week before getting paycheck, operant extinction no instance of a given behaviour if reinforced. Opposite of crf limited hold deadline for meeting the response requirement of a schedule of reinforcement. Acquisition phase when behaviour is being conditioned or learned. Maintenance phase after behaviour if well learned. Best to provide crf during acquisition then switch to intermittent reinforcement during maintenance. Four intermittent schedules: ratio, simple interval, schedules with limited hold, and duration.