PSYB45H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Community Psychology, Stress Management, Biofeedback
Document Summary
Chapter 2: areas of application an overview. Teaching kids to walk, talk, use toilet, do chores, solve sleep problems and decrease problem behaviours like nail biting and temper tantrums. Some problems are so bad that parents need help from applied behaviour analysts and they also treat the problem directly. Triple p (positive parenting program) is a program that helps prevent and treat severe behavioural, emotional, and developmental problems in children. In the past, they tried to change disruptive or incompatible student behaviours, such as tantrums and out-of-seat behaviour. Modify academic behaviour directly, such as oral reading, spelling, handwriting helps people with problems like learning disabilities and adhd. Used to call these people mentally retarded but they are now called intellectually disabled. Intellectual disabilities starts before 18 and has big limitations in adaptive behaviour and intellectual functioning (score of 70-75 in iq test); help them with toilet-training, self-help skills, social skills, etc.