PSYB51H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Motion Perception

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12 May 2011

Document Summary

Computation of visual motion: simple motion detector fig. If an object appears in a"s rf disappears, then re-appears in b"s rf i t will be detected as motion: apparent motion: illusion of motion from fast changes in position of objects, e. g. cartoons. The correspondence and aperture problems: aperture: opening that allows partial view of object. Lesions to magnocellular layers of lgn impair perception of large rapidly moving objects. Info from magnocellular neurons feed into v1, then passed on to middle temporal lobe: m iddle temporal lobe (mt): area if brain important for perception of motion. selective for motion in particular directions: mt may be responsible for global motion detection, experiments on monkeys showed stimulation/damage to mt is impt for global motion detection. Interocular transfer: transfer of effect from one eye to another: e. g. Like in first-order motion, nothing actually moves: e. g. fig. 7. 9: we have specialized mechanisms for second-order motion, separate from first-order, useful for camouflage detection.