PSYB51H3 Chapter 11: PSYB51 Chapter 11
Document Summary
When we hear pleasant sounding chords preceding a word, we are faster to respond that a word such as charm is positive, and are slower to respond to a negative word. when people must listen to disagreeable music, their levels of serotonin actually rise. blood flow increases in brain regions that are thought to be involved in reward and motivation. One of the most important characteristic of any acoustic signal is frequency. Brain structures that process sounds are tonotopically organized. The psychological aspect of sound related mainly to the fundamental frequency. The set of notes (scale) used commonly in western music is called equal. The interval b/w two sound frequencies having a ratio of 2:1 temperament . Musical pitch is typically described as having two dimensions. A sound quality corresponding to the level of pitch. Tone height is monotopically related to frequency interval. A sound quality shared by tones that have the same octave.