PSYB57H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Hemispatial Neglect, Change Blindness, Parietal Lobe
Document Summary
Many early studies of attention employed a task called shadowing: in this task, participants hear a tape recording of someone speaking and must echo this speech back, word for word, while they are listening to it. In selective listening experiments, people easily and accurately report whether the unattended channel contained human speech, musical instruments, or silence. It seems then that physical attributes of the unattended channel are heard, even though participants seem oblivious to the unattended channel"s semantic content. Words with some personal importance will be noticed (ex: your name in unattended channel: cocktail party effect. Two broad options for how we might think about attention: one option focuses on what we do with the unattended input. The failure to see, caused by inattention, has been dubbed inattentional blindness (study done on + and shapes after is disappears and if anything changed; participants failed to notice change)