PSYB64H3 Chapter 14: Notes from Chapter 14
Document Summary
Emotion: has a physical sensation(rapid heartbeat) and a subjective feeling(feeling scared) Evolution of emotion: general arousal( when the brain realizes that an action must occur, emotions provide an arousal that triggers a response, emotions manage our approach and withdrawal behaviours relative to particular environmental stimuli, helping our communication. non verbal communication(facial expression and body language) Expression and recognition of emotion: controlling facial expression. great attention is placed on the face, more specifically on the eyes. An infant who is incapable of verbally communicating likes to gaze into a persons face instead of other visual stimuli. some major emotional expressions are universal across human cultures(anger, sadness, happiness, fear, disgust, surprise, contempt, embarrassment: environmental influences on emotion. presence of other influences the intensity of our emotional expression. Infants that are highly reactive to environmental stimuli are more likely to have anxiety and mood disorders later on www. notesolution. com.