PSYB65H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 11: Sleep Spindle, Emergence, Delta Wave

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10 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Selective attention the process that allows the selection of inputs, thoughts, or actions while ignoring other ones. Voluntary attention individual intentionally shifts attention from one input to another. Reflexive attention attention shifts occurring in response to some external event (random loud noise) Encoding and perceptual analysis of an input does not have to be complete before it"s selected or rejected from further processing. (if selection is this early, attention modulates perceptions by influencing sensory organs that are processing current stimuli. James (1890) the accommodation or adjustment of sensory organs. Observed that some animals shift sensory organs when they shift their attentions. (dog"s shift their ears) Attention operates after the sensory information has been perceived, identified, or categorized. Stroop effect people are slow to name the colour of a word that is a color; can only happen if word is recognized semantically. (they have to focus on retrieving the right information after the sensory information has been sent)

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