PSYB65H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 15: Mirror Neuron, Synesthesia, Tempora
Document Summary
The right hemisphere (controls left hand) has visuospatial capabilities that the left hemisphere does not. Split brain- surgical disconnection of the two hemispheres; corpus callosum is cut. Psychological construct- ideas from a set of impressions; mind: ideas are real but not tangible: thought, memory, emotion, motivation. Thought is verbal: language provides the brain a means of categorizing info. Provides means of organizing time, enables us to plan out behaviour around time. Language and syntax are innate and universal; syntax influences our thinking. People with frontal-lobe damage have difficulty generation solutions to problems; lack imagination; Cell assemblies (network of neurons) represent object and ideas; the interplay among networks result in cognition. Neurons are the foundation of cognitive processes and of thought. One neuron can decide on its own; combination into novel neural networks produces complex mental representations. Cognition entails the abilities of paying attention, identifying and responding to stimuli.