PSYC12H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Group Conflict, Psychopathology, Participant Observation
Document Summary
Interest in these fields is shared by sociology, political science and neuroscience. The amount of journal articles has increased by 1-2% from 1965 to 10% by 1985. Normal psychological and social processes foster and maintain prejudice and stereotyping. 3 forms of social bias toward group and members: Prejudice: an attitude reflecting an overall evaluation of a group. Stereotypes: associations, and attributions of specific characteristics to a group. Discrimination: biased behaviour toward and treatment of a group or its members. Prejudice: most researchers define prejudice as a negative attitude, this attitude has a, cognitive component (e. g: beliefs about a target group), affective component (e. g: dislike, conative component (e. g: a behavioural predisposition to behaviour negatively toward the target group). He said that race prejudice is a protective device, that preserves the integrity and positon of the dominant group: robbers cave study found that competition between groups produces prejudice and discrimination.