PSYC14H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 12: Gluttony, Culture War, Public Goods Game

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24 Apr 2018

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Although freedom is a deeply cherished value in much of the world, there are contexts in which some think it should be subjugated by other values, such as preserving that which is sacred. There was a cartoon that depicted the muslim prophet muhammed and this violated a deeply held belief among muslims that the prophet should never be portrayed. In samuel huntington"s 1996 book, the clash of civilizations, stated that the fundamental source of conflict in the new world would not be primarily ideological or economic, but rather cultural and religious. Huntington"s view may be controversial because a common perception is that the world is quickly becoming secularized. Secularization theory, holds that religion is on the decline and people around the world are discovering new secular and rational ways to make sense of their lives. Many of the religions of the world, especially islam and christianity, are growing at breakneck speed.

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