PSYC18H3 Chapter 8: Chapter 8
Document Summary
Chapter 8 development of emotions in childhood. Dynamic systems: some researchers argue that infants" negative emotions are only of undifferentiated distress but at different levels of intensity. neuropsychological programs do not come genetically specified as ready- assembled packages. 2yrs, children showed more fearful avoidance of visual cliff, stranger and mask. Other fears peaked at 1yr but fell with age: increased negativity of emotional experience from grade 5 to 9 associated with reduced self-esteem, from grade 10 onward, average growth of positivity was found in adolescent emotional experience. Infants" perceptions and parents" special expressions: habituation has been used to consider how infants perceive emotions in other people. internal feedback of facial actions when infants mimic adult emotional expressions could evoke emotions in the child: by one year, skills have developed that allow infants to take part in complex interactions, happy, angry, sad emerge first.