PSYC31H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 16: Stroop Effect, Diffuse Axonal Injury, Perseveration

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8 Apr 2017

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Volition: volition refers to the complex process of determining what one needs or wants and conceptualizing some kind of future realization of that need or want. In short, it is the capacity for intentional behaviour: motivation, including the ability to initiate activity, is one necessary precondition for volitional behaviour. The examiner must rely on observations of these patients in the normal course of the examination and reports by caregivers, family, and others who see them regularly. Planning and decision making: the identification and organization of the steps and elements (e. g. , skills, material, other persons) needed to carry out an intention or achieve a goal constitute planning and involve a number of capacities. Moreover, all of this conceptual activity requires a capacity for sustained attention. Tower of london performance declined with disease progression in patients with pd and was associated with a genotype that has been implicated in cognitive dysfunction in pd.

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