SOCA01H3 Chapter : Byrm 2nd Edition notes to the Social Interaction Chapter. Insanely helpful for studying.

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26 Nov 2010

Document Summary

Social interaction j brym chapter 5 p. 135-155. S social interaction: the creation of a novel (new) way for people to communicate face to face, acting and reacting in relation to each other. S status: recognized positions occupied by interacting people. Status set: the entire collection of statuses occupied by an individual. Ascribed status: involuntary status j status that one is born into. Achieved status: voluntary status j acquired on the basis of merit. Master status: status that is most influential in zyl2yzlz at a given time. S roles: sets of expected behaviours (functions to perform) While people occupy statuses, they perform roles. Role set: a cluster of roles attached to a single status. Someone occupying a flight attendant status may play the roles of in- flight safety expert and server. S norms: generally accepted ways of doing things. Norms often change over time (how you go about carrying out these roles?)

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