SOCA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 9: Anthony Giddens, Benjamin Barber, Barbara Garson
Document Summary
*so easy to travel to day compare 25 years ago. *people throughout the world are now linked together as never before. Evidence: i. tourism is ii. int org & agreements is e. g. nafta iii. int. telecommunication has become easy & inexpensive iv. int"l trade & investment have increased rapidly. The process by w/c formerly separate economies, states& cultures are tied together & people become increasingly aware of their growing interdependence. **disadv: i. inequality btw rich & poor countries remain staggering=actually ii. hurts local culture & the nat environment iii. globalization is a form of imperialism -the economic domination of. It contributes to the homogenization of the world, the cultural domination of less powerful by more powerful countries. *everything (what"s happening in other countries) influences everything else in the globalized world. Learned that her small investment, together w/ many other small investments, had huge implications for people"s everyday lives on the other side of the planet.