SOCA02H3 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Settler Colonialism, Neoliberalism, Industrial Revolution
Document Summary
World seems like a smaller place because everything and everyone is connected. Globalizaion: occurs as people & insituions across the world become increasingly aware of & dependent on one another. World"s populaion increased 52% but internaional tourists increased by 274% Many more internaional organizaions & agreements now span globe. Went from 213 to 909 million internet hosts, 2. 4 billion people connected through technology. Imperialism: economic dominaion of one country by another, suggested globalizaion in a way. Leads to increased social inequality, power/control for commercial interests, global homogenizaion. The sources and contours of globalizaion globalizaion in everyday life. Global commodity chain: worldwide network of labour & producion processes whose end result is a inished commodity. Globalizaion of mulinaional companies & commodity chain lead to internaional division of labour, where high-wages, markeing & inance are in us & low-wage manufacturing is in developing countries. Sociology makes us aware of complex social relaion, sociological imaginaion links biography to history.