PSY100H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Allostatic Load, Blood Vessel, Natural Killer Cell
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Was a healthy and happy man, lived a good life. Was denied acceptance to adopt because he was obese (nearly 500-600 pounds) and was said to be likely to develop a serious disease and die at a young age. Like giving them extra seats on air travel. The traditional medical model emphasizes disease states and the treatments, including drugs, designed to rid us of disease: idea is that health professionals know best and thus maintain control over what happens to the patient. Healthy lifestyle goes long way toward promoting health and preventing disease. Health psychology: the field of psychological science concerned with the events that affect physical wellbeing. Well-being: a positive state that includes striving for optimal health and life satisfaction. Studying this field involves relying on the experimental and statistical methods of psyc to understand interrelationships. Can also study inverse; how health behaviours and outcomes affect behaviour, cognition, and emotions.