PSY100H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 11: Urie Bronfenbrenner, John Bowlby, Universal Grammar

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PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
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Developmental psychology is concerned with changes over the lifespan, in physiology, in cognition and in social behaviour. The pattern of a child learning to sit up, crawl, rollover suggests that our genes set the pace and order of development. Environment also influences what happens throughout development children develop differently at different paces. Parental practices ( determining which side their child sleeps on, placing their infants on the floor or not ) influence how motor skills develop. Genes and experience work together to make us who we are. Huge developmental process occurs throughout the 9 months in a mother"s womb. Zygote male sperm and female sperm unite. Embryo- two weeks to two months the developing human. After that it undergoes a great deal of physical changes coming into a form of an infant. Genes in combination with the environment in the womb govern much of the human nervous systems pre natal development.

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