PSY100H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 15: Firstline, Frontal Lobe, Poor Rate

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Psychologists use two basic categories of techniques to treat mental disorders: psychological and biological. Psychotherapy- the generic name given to formal psychological treatment. Biological therapies- treatment based on medical approaches to illness and to disease focusing on the brain regions. Psychopharmacology- the use of medications that affect brain or body functions, has proved to be effective on a short-term basis. Just because you know the cause, doesn"t certainly mean that you can cure it (i. e. autism) Psychotherapy is aimed at changing the behaviours or thoughts of the person. Must have good relationship between client and the treatment provider. Insight- a goal of some types of therapy; a patient"s understanding of his or her own psychological processes. Sigmund freud felt that mental disorders occurred because of past traumatic experiences. In early forms of treatment the therapist would sit away from the patient while the patient lay down on a couch.