PSY100H1 Chapter 2: chapter 2
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Steps in research: formulate a hypothesis, ex. Scientific questions can be objectively answered: a researchers opinion is irrelevant. An empirical question is something that can be answed using scientific research: replication is to repeat an experiment to conform the results. The empirical process depends on theories, hypotheses and. Theories should generate hypotheses: a good theory produces a variety of testable hypotheses www. notesolution. com. The value of unexpected findings: serendipity the unexpected stumbling upon something important. Independent variable the variable that gets manipulated by the experimenter: dependent variable the measure that is affected by manipulation of independent variable. Establishing causality: confound anything that affects a dependent variable that may unintentionally very between the different experimental conditions of a study, a properly preformed experiment depends on ultimate control. Observing is an unobtrusive strategy: observational techniques careful and systematic assessment and coding of overt behavior, major data collector for descriptive studies.