PSY100H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Nicotine Patch, Myelin, Efferent Nerve Fiber
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Neurons differ from most other cells because they are excitable. Nerve refers to a bundle of axons carrying info between brain and body. Boundary of a neuron defined by its membrane, lipid bilayer. regulates concentration of electrically charge molecules that are the basis of the neuron"s electrical activity. Nerves that provide info from muscles are somatosensory, general term for sensations experienced from within the body. They selectively communicate with other neurons to form circuits or neural networks. These develop through maturation and experience, forming permanent alliances among groups of neurons. Multiple sclerosis decay of myelin sheath surrounding axons early symptoms: numbness of limbs and blurry vision axons short-circuit. Motor actions become jerky, lose ability to coordinate movements. Movement, sensation, coordination impaired over time axons are exposed and may themselves start to break down sclerosis means hardening, scarring in brains of patients both genetic and environmental causes genetic: more common in identical twins than nonidentical.