Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Chapter 1-3: Test 1-Lecture 1,2,3

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Lecture 1: introduction to human resources management (textbook: 5-12, 36-47) As labor markets become increasingly competitive, human resource professionals are being called upon to provide people management practices that not only support the organization"s priorities but also provide for competitive success in a global marketplace. Google is known for its people practices and employee-first culture that directly contributes to its success (top employer) (provides 20-percent time, 20% of the day employers can work on what they"re passionate about) Human resources management (hrm): the practices, policies and systems that influence employees behaviors, attitudes and performance. Hrm as a necessary expense rather than a source of value to their organization. Access to financial talent is just as important as access to human capital, access to talent (provides competitive advantage) Employers want to be viewed as valuabe investments (companies should invest in new and promote quality) The concept of human resource management implies that employees are resources of the employer.