KINE 1000 Chapter Notes -Yao Ming, Institutional Racism, Masculinity
Document Summary
Race and ethnicity making chinese-canadian masculinities in vancouver"s physical. By: brad millington, patricia vertinsky, ellexis boyle, brian wilson. Males of chinese descent = victims of discrimination (obvious and subtle) Racism = linked to ideas about class, gender and the body. Introduction (in text = good summary of entire article) Study: done by millington at an all-boys pe class at a vancouver high school. Millington found a dominant white male student that was especially harsh towards the. Chinese canadians make up a large portion of school populations in bc: integration of these students is being impeded by discrimination by other children, canada"s multiculturalism policy isn"t working. White people"s sense of privilege is prevailing over commitment to social justice in education . Constructing chinese-canadians masculinity/ies: institutional racism and the historical stereotyping of chinese men in western canada. Started in mid-19th century: anti-orientalism, negative stereotyping. Small, effeminate, weak, sexually dangerous: all asians, but especially chinese, were representative of china"s weakness at the time.