PSYC 3420 Chapter Notes - Chapter 7: Shelley E. Taylor, Fetus, Brainscan

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Eggshell removal served a sanitary function, keeping the nest free of germs and disease that might use the broken sells as a conduit: 2. Eggshell removal protected the newly hatched chicks from the sharp edges that come with broken shells: 3. Selection has designed precisely such psychological mechanisms parental motivation designed to ensure the survival and reproductive success of the invaluable vehicles that transport an individual"s genes into the next generation: parental love is rarely unconditional. Evolutionary psychology chapter 7 textbook notes: two most relevant to humans: (1) the paternity uncertainty hypothesis and (2) the matting opportunity costs hypothesis. The paternity uncertainty hypothesis: when a female gives birth, or lays a fertilized egg, there is no doubt that her offspring will contain. 50% of her genes: males can never be sure. Attractiveness of the male as a short-term mate (more attractive males are predicted to reduce their parental effort and increase their mating effort: 2.

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