AMS 310 Chapter 1: Homework 2

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The 13th number in the ordered set is 77. Sample upper quartile n*p = 50*(. 75) = 37. 5. The 38th number in the ordered set is 85. 85 is the 75th percentile: sample mean = = = 81. 32, sample standard deviation: = 6. 7986793, 81. 32 2*(. 68) Since only 47 numbers lie inside this range in the set of data we use the proportion. = to find that 94% of the data falls within the interval: sample range = max min. Since 45 is a whole number, the average of the 45th and 46th number in the ordered set is taken. Sample median = 78 (which is the 2nd quartile) The 9th number in the ordered set is 51. The 27th number in the ordered set is 89: sample mean = = = 71. 57. Sample variance: = 404. 42857: 66th percentile = n*p. The 24th number in the ordered set is 85: 36th and 72nd percentiles.