CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Apple Scab, Ammonium Nitrate, Paris Green

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Photosynthesis: without it, there"s no life we live on plants (directly or indirectly ex. meat, reaction where plants take up co2 and h2o to produce o2 and other chemicals. Farmers: 50 years ago: 70% of the world was involved in farming in some way, today: 2% of the population supplies all of the food. Pesticides: designed to kill weeds, pests, fungi, etc: the small amount used to control the bugs are not enough to harm us. By 2050, there will be 10 b to feed will need to use fertilizers, pesticides since without them we cant produce enough food. Organic: growing crops without the use of synthetic fertilizers, synthetic pesticides, etc. Essentially relying on natural means to control insects: ex. Michelle obama plants crops behind the white house using natural techniques. Manure as a fertilizer it decomposes and releases nutrients needed for the growth of crops: not enough manure in the world to sustain all the needed crops.