CHEM 181 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Michelle Obama, Organic Food, Ammonium Nitrate

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Plants take up co2 and h2o to produce o2 and all the chemicals in a plant. Without agriculture, we would not have food to eat. 50 years ago: 70% of the world was involved in farming. Then, agriculture came around and it was possible to grow crops. Population grew = need for more and more food. At the time, conventional agriculture was not able to fulfill all of the needs. Time passed, developments were instituted and agriculture got better. Modern fertilizers, pesticides and agriculture techniques = we produce all kinds of vegetables. People want to put an end to this technology without looking at the risk-benefit ratio properly. By 2050 10 million people on planet. I(cid:374)(cid:448)ol(cid:448)es tat (cid:449)ithout pesti(cid:272)ides, (cid:449)e (cid:449)o(cid:374)"t (cid:271)e a(cid:271)le to feed e(cid:448)eryo(cid:374)e. Growing crops without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Michelle obama: planted various kinds of crops using all natural techniques. Becomes difficult to grow organic food on a large scale.