CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Candelilla Wax, Morpholine, Bell Pepper

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Video 1
Newspapers talk badly about food and the risks that it can
bring (chemicals, etc.)
The media plays a large part in food scares
A headline said that there is toxic wax on fruits and
There is wax on apples, when it is picked it is washed to
remove pesticides and the wax at the surface is removed
to prevent the apple from drying up
Different waxes used:
Beeswax, carbauba wax, candelilla wax, shellac
A chemical added is called morpholine to make it
easier to apply the wax to the apple
In the body, morpholine turns into nitroso-
morpheline and people think that it maybe be
carcinogenic, but this shouldn't be a real concern to
Health canada said that morpholine used in apple coating
does not represent a risk to human health
If we had to worry about notrosomorpheline then we
would have to be worried about nitrosamines which is
shown to be potentially carcinogenic (present in cabbage)
Activity 2
A wax coating may be added to an apple to replace natural
wax that is removed during washing and to help prevent
moisture loss (true)
What other fruits and vegetables commonly have wax
Passionfruit, bell pepper, lemons, yuca, pineapple,
Lecture 6 -Topic 1
Friday, February 23, 2018
7:18 PM
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Video 2
Today we have agencies that control the safety and quality
of our food
In Canada, it is called the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
(CFIA) and the US is the FDA
The Romans loved wine but it was fortified with lead
acetate to make it sweeter
In the middle ages it copper salt was used to make
vegetables greener and more appealing
In the 18th and 19th century, the Plaster of Paris was used
to extend the flower
There was a story that a baker ran out of plaster of Paris
and used arsenic oxide
Nature contains a number of toxic chemicals
Cassava roots and lima beats contain naturally ocurring
cyanide compounds
It is important to make sure these foods are properly
There are stories in Africa where people die because
it hasn't been prepared properly
Sassafras tea is used as a cleansing agent, and contains a
chemical safrole which is a potential carcinogen and was
banned from root beer because of this
Chemicals are needed in our food to replenish naturally
occuring chemicals
Wileswood popcorn: popcorn, pure vegetable oil, natural
salt, real artificial colour (full of chemicals)
Activity 3
The chemical added to wine during Roman times to make it
taste sweeter: lead acetate
This chemical was found in sassafras leaves is a known
carcinogen: safrole/shikimol
During the middle ages this chemical was added to
vegetables to make them look greener: copper salts
This chemical can cause serious health issues, including
death, if the food containing it is not properly prepared:
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Video 3
Chicken noodle soup: wheat noodles, salt
Salt is not classified as an additive but as an
Salt is taken in too much in the developed world
WHO intake recommendation is 2.0g per person/day
Global average: 3.95 g/day
Canada: 3.4
Kazakhstan 6.0
Kenya 1.5
Next to sugar, salt is the most widely added ingredients in
In Canada sugar and salts are not food additives
In the US sugar and salt are food additives
Salt is prevalent in prepared food
Processed cheese has twice the amount of sodium
compared to regular cheese
Salary means a certain amount of payment given to people
on a regular basis comes from salarium which is the Latin
word for salt
Salary was a certain amount given to Roman soldiers
to buy salt
Sodium is associated with high blood pressure
Not everyone would benefit from a decrease in
sodium intake, only people who are sodium sensitive
need to reduce their sodium intake
To achieve the reduction, it would be very difficult to
achieve because we get most of our sodium from
prepared foods
There are many sugar substitutes but very little salt
Another approach is to reduce the size of the sodium
crystal, and this will reduce the surface area and more of it
will go onto the tongue and you feel more of the taste
Video 4
Monosodium glutamate
This is a chemical additive
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Document Summary

Newspapers talk badly about food and the risks that it can bring (chemicals, etc. ) The media plays a large part in food scares. A headline said that there is toxic wax on fruits and vegetables. There is wax on apples, when it is picked it is washed to remove pesticides and the wax at the surface is removed to prevent the apple from drying up. A chemical added is called morpholine to make it easier to apply the wax to the apple. In the body, morpholine turns into nitroso- morpheline and people think that it maybe be carcinogenic, but this shouldn"t be a real concern to people. Health canada said that morpholine used in apple coating does not represent a risk to human health. If we had to worry about notrosomorpheline then we would have to be worried about nitrosamines which is shown to be potentially carcinogenic (present in cabbage)