CHEM 181 Lecture 6: Topic 3 - Lesson 2

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Widespread of the spectrum of minerals that is necessary in our diet. ~2. 4 g more than or twice the recommended intake. Explanation: a great deal of sodium may be added to foods during the production process production process. Some doctors recommend a product called no salt. A lot of foods already have a lot of potassium. Potatoes have 50% more than bananas per gram. Associated with how much water can accumulate around it. Balance of them is important in the body in how they transport other materials. Bananas are commonly thought of as a rich source of potassium (k+) but as you saw in the video, there are other foods that contain surprisingly high amounts of this mineral. If you heat it, it won"t melt, it sublines. Continue to heat it up, there are purple fumes. Needed by the thyroid gland for fat metabolism. Enlarged necks because the thyroid expands to look for iodine.