CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Saturated Fat, Unsaturated Fat, Buoyancy

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Video 1: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, stored energy, insulation, buoyancy. Fat molecules float on water: women, who aren"t thin, generally have a much bigger advantage is long distance swimming in colder waters, padding, hormone production. Video 2: structure, tristearin: a saturated solid fat. If doubly bonded - unsaturated fats: chains can be bonded differently. Video 3: unsaturated fat, two bonds between the carbon atoms, often liquid and when you remove the left hand component (glycerol) Two saturated chains and on unsaturated chain: if more than one double bond - polyunsaturated fat. Typically 9 cal/g: coconut oil is almost all saturated fat, sunflower & safflower oil high on polyunsaturated fat. Generally more healthy: olive oil is high on monounsaturated fats. Video 4: lard (~beef tallow) - more the reverse of ratio. Mongolia uses the fat from the goats and the sheep, then they stir in noodles or rice and consume - often twice a day: butter, margarine, margarine.