CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Wrong Impression, Linus Pauling, Blind Experiment

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Presenting information: 15 million active researchers, 26 million publication (1996-2011, many in the area of food. Popeye: ate spinach for strength, believed spinach had high amounts of iron, 1870, chemist erich von wolf. Decimal calculations were wrong (thought to have been 35mg) gave wrong impression of spinach: in spinach e. g. italy planes flew just a few years later, (2) credit/patent issues. Many thought it should go to samuel langley: steam flights may years earlier (may 8, 1896) 100ft. Went to the wright brothers because there was a person on board. 70% vitamin a in100g portion (but there is no vitamin a in spinach: vitamin a is created by the body out of beta carotene which is usually gold/orange but chlorophyll green masks the colour) Watch for hearsay" often not true, human memory is often not accurate (result of: example of how urban legends change. Theories: series of facts provides a theory technology) Lecture series & journals especially are reliable.