CHEM 181 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, Spinach, Decimal Mark

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Facts that accumulate in the scientific publications around the world during 1996-2011 indicates 15 million active researchers and 26 million publications (many of these about food). Book half-life of facts by samuel arbesman a half-life is the length of time it takes for a fact to be changed. Approximately 1. 8-1. 9 million scientific research papers are published per year. Character popeye: he ate spinach for strength because it was thought that it contains iron this idea came from (1870) a german chemist erich who calculated the iron content in spinach at 3. 5mg in 100g serving. But in the reporting, a decimal point was missing making it 35g, and it resulted in the creators of popeye"s to think it would make your muscles big. News publication has seized upon this to reveal the true thing, about the misunderstanding. Amount of iron in spinach can is only 10%.